Life Groups
Have the benefits that no believer can afford to pass by. You may have many reasons right now why you feel you cannot fir this into your life style. I am not embarrassed to challenge you you to make this a priority. Your spiritual growth is the most important issue in the world – what is more important? This has the potential to bring you to a new level with God and a new level with your brothers and sisters in The Church. What then can be ore important?
Finally when joining a life Group you will be acting just like a New Testament Christian.
The Book of Acts is clear that early met in peoples homes. Acts 2:42; 46-47, Acts 5:42, Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 16:19. Colossians 4:15
Life groups are small groups that meet on a regular basis for fellowship, teaching and encouragement to enable members to better express the life of Christ in their communities. We believe that life groups are for everyone who comes to CCCWL. It’s a great opportunity to socialise and take part in the vision and ministry of the house.